Please meet the most important members of our staff! We couldn't do what we do without each and every one of them.
Each Pony has it's own personality, style of stride, and some more eager than others to get straight into a canter.
It's really important that for your first lesson you talk to an instructor to decide which Ponies are suitable for you.
**Mobile Devices** Click on a Horse to open photo gallery, then Swipe Up for Zoom, Swipe Down to close, Swipe Left & Right to navigate photos.
Fun Fact!
Equine animals are measured from their withers down to the ground. Horses or Ponies are normally fully grown by the time they are between 5 and 7 years old. This makes it important to ensure that a young Horse isn't simply classed as a shetland due to the size. Horses and Ponies are measured in hands (hh) or (Hands High), each hand is equivalent to 4 inches.Horse
A Horse must be fully grown and over 14.2hh or higher to be considered a Horse. Anything below this is considered a Pony.
A Pony is classed as a fully grown Pony between the size of 11hh and 14.2hh
Shetland Pony
The smallest of all Ponies is traditionally an average size of 10hh, however they can be as tall as 117cm (11.5hh)
Loan a Pony

The loan is on a full livery basis; which means no mucking out required! If you are unable to attend one day then no worries as your pony will be looked after.
You have time with your Pony for 2 allocated days during the week, and 2 hours on a Saturday (after school closes), and 2 hours on a Sunday (after school closes).
All this for just £25 a week, payable monthly in advance. **Minimum loan period of 3 months**